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Story 1

Linden and Cindy

Completed & available for distribution

Linden was born Linda and  spent most of his life feeling trapped in a woman's body. At 63, Linda decided to transition and now, is county president of 'PFLAG',( parents, families, and allies with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer the first and largest US organization (325,000 members) supporting families of LGBTQ+ children. Linden is happily married to Cindy, a Lutheran pastor.

Linden's calm and emotionally articulate approach to sharing his story is uplifting and compelling. He has an innate gift of drawing in the most opinionated audience members, and challenging them to rethink the nature of identity.

Story 2

In post-production

Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer

After serving 25 years in the US military, Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer was discharged from the army for stating, during a security clearance interview while applying for a promotion to general, that she was a lesbian. She challenged her discharge in federal court, won, and was re-instated. She spent the next 17 years advocating for the repeal of the US military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. Grethe's courage and actions, in large part, helped pave the road for change in the US military.

Story 3

Kevin and Danielle Riley

Kevin & Danielle used to be addicts living on the streets. From jail, and complete social isolation, they managed to turn their lives around and stay together through recovery. Now they are both ordained pastors, board members of a large non-profit organization, and have a thriving young family. They have a significant impact in their community through their outreach programs.

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Story 4

Jason Cockburn

Run-away orphan, street child, and gang member, Jason was lured into crime, ending up in prison where he finally got a break. His time in prison could have been like that of so many others, but the chance to enter a writing competition changed his life when he was nominated for, and won, a national award. A writer, painter and coach, Jason is now Vice President and co-founder of the Second Chance Academy, and an inspiration for many others. 

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